We endeavour to nurture the children’s long-term social and emotional development, boost their well-being and resilience, and help to build independence and character. Our high ratios help to provide consistent, warm and responsive care and to develop positive relationships with peers and other adults in the setting.
At Ladybird Lane we strive to provide a welcoming, happy and safe environment for up to 30 children aged between 2-5. The nursery hall is bright and spacious and we have a large outdoor space with grass, trees, growing area (the children grow tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, peas, green beans, potatoes, herbs and a range of flowers to attract insects and bugs) plus a large area for the children to ride bikes and scoot freely without bumping into one another.
Children are at the centre of everything the provision does. The environment is inviting and warm and relationships across the nursery are exceptionally strong. Key staff have positive attachments to children, and children feel safe, happy and confident in the setting. Parents are fully involved in this process to ensure consistency and reassurance (Ofsted: 2018)