Your little toddler is busy learning, approaching the world with curiosity and seeking a sense of belonging. Our toddler program encourages the children to build a community in an environment that supports learning together and caring for each other.
Ladybird Lane Nursery is open Monday – Friday between 8am and 6pm. There is no set time of arrival, but we would prefer children to arrive by 9:00am for the morning session or 1:30pm for the afternoon session, to allow them to share and enjoy planned learning opportunities with their peers (such as circle time and register time) that they will miss if they arrive too late. Our aim is to provide a good balance of free play and more structured activities in an environment that flow freely between the indoors and outdoors as much as possible.
A toddler’s day consists of:
- Self-selected play
- Reading books
- Circle time
- Focused learning
- Singing songs
- Sensory experiences
- Finger Plays
- Stroller walks